Monday 3 October 2016

Riding & Walking Around Siem Reap

After breakfast today we met for the first time with our cruise director so he could give us an idea of what to expect over the next couple of days. Then we rented a tuk tuk for an hour to explore the city a little bit more. Deb managed to buy a table runner made from lotus fibre. Back at the hotel, Deb decided to have a nap, so I went for a walk by the river. I found a very well-kept wat, so I stopped to wander.

The Khmer Rouge used this buddhist temple as a holding cell for undesirables (Thais, Vietnamese, Chinese, Base People).

This was in a large complex where many many temples and shrines were crowded
together. (ABW - Another Bloody Wat)

This represents the final stage of life, a sky burial.

The brahma bulls made me think of India.

I love the shaped bushes.

A naga is a many-headed serpent - forproetection.

Back on the street I discovered that some tuk tuks work for a living.

1 comment:

  1. It's a Buddhist tradition (at least it is for Sherpas) to bring the dead to mountain peaks and let birds eat the flesh - sky burial. I learned something about it whike researching my job as a Legal Sherpa :p
