Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Norris Point Fine Dining

Shortly after arriving, we were picked up by our private "Fine Dining" tour.  It didn't look like a fine ding area, but we did find three very fine restaurants.

At the first, we were served three wonderful appetizers. The most memorable was an awesome carrot fritter.

Deb decided that we needed a picture of the wine, because it was wonderful and we might be able to find it somewhere sometime.

Dusk turned the light into something new and quite dramatic.

Let's stop at a lookout for a photo op.

Here we found our second restaurant. The chef came and greeted aug at our table to explain the items on our plate. The most striking was a pan-fried cod fillet served with a creamy almond sauce. It was amazing.

Each of us had already sampled the cod in Newfoundland and found it very much to our liking. In Ontario Would not order cod because it is simply not very good. Here it it so fresh and so light, we all fell in love with cod.

Another feature of this dinner is that it was served green vegetables. Here, green vegetables are very hard to get and very expensive. The only vegetables that grow well are root vegetables.

Again the wine was wonderful.

At our third restaurant, we had dessert. It was a baked cheesecake which is unique to Newfoundland. On one side of the cheesecake was a serving of partridgeberry sauce and on the other side was a serving of bakeapple. Both grow wild in Newfoundland and perhaps nowhere else. Each sauce was sweet and yummy but each had a slight bitterness. They were quite different and quite delicious.

Of course, Jim did set his wine glass on the seam where two tables met. Red wine went everywhere. You just can't take him anywhere.


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