Monday 26 February 2018

Farewell to Barb & Jude

On the day Judy and Barb left, two things of note happened:

First, the weather changed. The sun came out and the temperature rose. It was a beautiful day.

Barb got to enjoy some sunshine on the ferry.

Second, the full moon that night was remarkable. It was called a blue blood moon. It was a blue moon because it was the second full moon of the month. It was a blood moon because it was bright red as came over the horizon.

This was also the closest pass that the moon has made to the earth in over a hundred years, so it was huge.

Jude got a shot of the moon from her plane.

When the moon rose, we were on our patio to watch. It was bright red and it was huge, so we decided to go to the roof the get some shots.

Although the sky was mostly clear, there was one stubborn cloud that sat directly above the moon. by the time we got upstairs, the moon was hiding.

After a while, it did reappear, but it wasn't red anymore.

I didn't have a tripod, so I braced the camera against a wall. The results aren't perfect, but they'll have to do.

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