Friday, 25 October 2024

Arriving in Venice

Last night I emailed the Hotel All'angelo in Venice three times trying to arrange an vet appointment for Vera when we arrived. When we left Tenuta di Sticciano we still had no idea whether it would be possible to get some tapeworm medication for Vera. Gianni picked us up at 8:30 and he brought us a picture which he had taken of as fgar-away nebula. It is beautiful. He drove us to the Florence train station to catch our fast train to Venice. In Venice we were met by Stella who informed us that a vet would be at the hotel half an hour after we arrived. The vet arrived, gave Vera her meds, and signed some papers. That took a load off our minds.
Of course there must be some chaos. The train station was more crowded and more insane than most airports. We had a guide and an assitance agent, so we just went through it.
When we arrived in Venice, Stell met us as we exited the train car. She quickly got us outside to a dock where water taxis were coming and going constantly. It was amazing to see how precisely the drivers controlled their boats.
This one is ours.
Deb, sitting in her water-taxi.
Our room looks lovely, for us _
And for Vera.
Vera seems quite content.
This is actually a view from one of the entrances to Hotel All'Angelo.
Here we have one of the entrances to the Basilica di San Marco (just around the corner).
The Doge was essentially the king of Venice. This is the Doge's Palace on the corner of Saint Marc's square, facing the Grand Canal.
I had to spep back somewhat in order to get a long shot of the Basilica.
This closer shot is meant to focus on the many different colours in the columns of the Basilica.
Gondolas resting for the night, framing the the San Giogio Maggiore on a little island in the mouth of the Grand Canal.
The Bell Tower in St. Marc's Square.
From the Grand Canal looking into a smaller Canal.

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