Sunday, 20 October 2024

San Gimignano

San Gimignano is a medieval town on top of a hill near Siena. It is a UNESCO world heritae site and is famous for its towers (originally 72, now only 14). A high tower was once a symbol of status, but their importance has become less significant. Over the millenia, many were taken down or just converted into residences. It is a fascinating town to just wander.
Capers grow from between the cracks in the outer wall.
Streets are narrow and crowded.
Bridges cross between allied families. If a relationship soes sour, the "break the bridges."
Towers go up and up and up.
Shops have taken over many of the lower levels.
Dominating the surrounding territory.
Entering the central square.
The fountain in the central square.
Grooves in the stone after centuries of use.
Towers on the square.
During the Black Plague, the churches were emply, so the priets would come out to the streets to deliver their sermons. This man is an actor reciting Dante's Inferno.
In front of two churches, this was a meeting place built into the wall.
The Original Twin Towers. Two families agreed not to compete, so the built identical towers side by side.
Eventually we got home in time for a glass of wine.
And a sunset.

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