Saturday 24 January 2015


Uxmal is another UNESCO site which demonstrates once and for all that each is unique. Here the central temple, called the Fortune Teller Pyramid, has an oval shape. This shape mimics the homes built by the local people. These homes look like small white stucco cottages with thatched roofs. The area is regularly struck by hurricanes and the oval shape gives the homes greater structural integrity, therefore they are more likely to survive gale force winds.

Palenque is in a rainforest, therefore the people could redirect water for their purposes. Here there is a very wet and a very dry season. It was necessary to save and conserve water. To accomplish this, they dug very large and very deep wells which were very wide at the bottom and narrow at the top (less evaporation). They lined the wells with plaster and built large catchment areas to collect the water during the wet season. Frogs and fish were placed in the wells to consume algae and keep the water clean. In this way, they were able to survive the dry season.

Another remarkable difference here is the amount of and the condition of the decorations everywhere you look. Of necessity, the people worshipped Chaac, the rain god, but you also find images of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. They are beautiful and in wonderful condition.

This site is now in some form of transition. Some portions are roped off, but you are still allowed to climb on some of the structures. We were told that plans were in the works to restrict access to all ruins. They are very much afraid of graffiti.

The Oval "Fortune Teller's Pyramid"

On another pyramid, faces of Chaac flank the stairs.

A closeup of Chaac shows his unique nose.

The structure is called "Nun's Square" containing many
small rooms. The decorations are amazing.

A Stone recreation of one of the peasant's huts.

Detail of the feathered serpent on a facade of Nun's Square.

I don't really know what this is, but I liked it.

I climbed many steps to get this detail.

The ball court had rings on the sides.

A large phallus symbolically fertilizing the earth.

Just a pile of rubble, and part of the ongoing restoration.

Debby found some friends at our restaurant.

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